Efficient And Hassle-Free Regulated Medical Waste Disposal
Never worry about non-compliance with state and federal regulations on medical sharps disposal again. Let Logistics Recycling Inc. handle your facility’s sharps disposal process and focus on your patient care and treatment with a peace of mind.
Waste production is part and parcel of running a medical facility. But medical sharps disposal requires special processes which often renders healthcare facilities to undertake cumbersome procedures. This type of waste, described by OSHA standards as contaminated objects capable of penetrating human or animal skin, are classified as bio hazardous and they include syringes, needles, scalpel blades, razor blades, auto-injectors, hypodermic needles, cap needles, and others. Without safe and proper disposal methods, medical sharps can cause serious and far-reaching harm to people and animals.
Logistics Recycling Inc. provides cost-effective medical sharps disposal service that saves healthcare facilities from the trouble of handling and disposing of their medical sharps waste on their own. By relieving our customers in the healthcare industry of this complicated and troublesome task, we have helped them improve their performance significantly by enabling them to focus entirely on their patient care and treatment process.
Avoid Any Risk With Injury With LRI’s Lab Pack Service
When you have professionals trained for the job, why should your team handle hazardous waste and take the risk of injuring themselves? Whether you need to dispose of medical sharps or clear out your laboratory or storage facility, our lab pack services in Wisconsin can carry out the work in the safest and most efficient way.
Safety is our number one priority and we focus on it at every step of our waste disposal process. Our team of highly trained and experienced waste disposal experts work with absolute precaution to ensure safety while handling and disposing hazardous waste in your facility.

Why Choose Us?
We provide unmatched customer support with our affordable medical sharps disposal service. We run pick-up services both on a regular and on-call basis to provide timely pick-up appointments throughout the Midwest region. Our pricing is fair and transparent with no hidden charges and price surges. Put simply, we are the number one option for healthcare facilities looking for lab pack services in Wisconsin.