Trusted Provider of Battery Recycling Service in Green Bay WI
As an environmentally conscious business enterprise, you may be making strenuous efforts to dispose of your universal waste lawfully and with minimal impact to the environment. At Logistics Recycling Inc., we help organizations like you by simplifying your hazardous waste disposal process while fully complying with state and federal regulations. We specialize in the management and recycling of waste batteries, and we run regular pickup routes throughout the Midwest region from our location in Green Bay, WI.
Batteries as a source of energy are widely and heavily used in a variety of facilities. As a result, a substantial amount turns into waste every year once they have passed their service life. Since they contain materials such as mercury and cadmium that are potentially harmful to the environment, their management is strictly regulated by state and federal laws. With the increasing dependence on electronic devices that run on batteries, the amount of waste batteries grows annually. Consequently, their management and safe disposal has become more critical than ever to minimize their impact on the environment.
Logistic Recycling Inc. provides services for waste battery recycling in Green Bay WI to commercial, governmental and industrial customers. We recycle all types of batteries including:
Lithium Ion & Polymer Batteries
Commonly used in cell phones, laptops, two- way radio, scanners, tools, flashlights, watches & tool battery packs for electricity source.
Lead Acid Batteries
These are used for powering electrical functions is cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, golf carts, boats, and others
Nickel Cadmium Batteries
Commonly used on rechargeable devices such as drills, camcorders, cordless phones, electronic flash units, and others.
Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
Generally used for powering a wide range of lights including exit & emergency lights, and flashlights. And also used in camcorders, cameras, barcode scanners, back-up power & battery packs.
Easy And Prompt Green Bay WI Battery Recycling Services
For customers with their establishments located in or near Green Bay WI, we can manage their waste with our flexible pick up service either on-call or on a regular schedule. If yours happens to be outside of our vehicle service area, we can arrange commercial common carrier transporters to pick up your accumulated waste batteries.
On your part, all you'll need to do is to separate the waste batteries based on their chemistry and isolate them to prevent the risk of fire from short circuiting. You can store the batteries in non-metal boxes, pails, drums, or any type of rigid, leak-proof container that is labeled with a universal waste symbol. Keep in mind that they can only be stored for not more than a year from the start date of accumulation.
We Provide Documentation For Proof
We understand how important it is for you to be able to prove on paper that you manage your universal waste according to state and federal regulations. We issue a Certificate of Recycling for all batteries we receive and recycle from your facility. You can use this certification as proof that you’re handling your waste batteries law fully.
Need Professional Help Managing Used Batteries? Call us Today And Schedule a Pick up